How to reduce glare caused by car headlights at night

 Safe riding is necessary to avoid accidents. At night time, enough light is required to avoid obstacles in the road. Many old vehicles lack proper headlights to provide sufficient light. So while buying a used car, try to buy it from service providers like Such providers will help to select the best-used cars without any complaints. Driving a vehicle is relaxing only when the driver is comfortable. There are many direct and indirect factors affecting this comfort. These factors will change at night and day. As manufacturers started to use bright headlights to provide maximum visibility, it became problematic to other drivers. The high-intensity light will cause temporary blindness in other drivers, which can lead to accidents. The windshield glass of the vehicle will scatter the incoming light, which causes more discomfort. Due to these problems, it became necessary to use some anti-glare methods to avoid the troubles. There is some importance for such schemes. Some of which are,

  • Ease of driving: The ease of driving a vehicle at night highly depend upon the easiness of viewing. Clearer the view, easier will be the driving. Light from other cars will cause discomfort and short term blindness. This problem increases the difficulty of driving at night.

  • Avoiding accidents: In today's world, high beam usage causes several accidents. There are many rules and regulations from the government to minimize high beams, but many drivers are not willing to do this. And it causes many accidents and loss of life.

  • Eye health: Eyes are one of the most complicated and sensitive sensory organs in an animal body. It can not withstand high-intensity light exposure for a long time. And such lights can damage the cells inside the eyes and can lead to permanent loss of eyesight.

There are several ways to reduce glare due to high-intensity lights. Some of which are,

  • Use anti-glare specs: Due to the increase of vehicles on the road, brightness became a common problem for many people. Thus many eye specialists now suggest anti-glare specs to tackle the problem. The unique design of the specs minimizes the glare due to the high-intensity light. It will assist the driver at night to have better visibility and reduce the difficulties.

  • Clean the windshield occasionally: The glare is principally increasing due to the scattering of light. A clean windshield will reduce the deflection of light. So, always try to keep the windshield clean from dust and moisture contents. Those buying a used car should look for a vehicle with a good windshield, and can help with this.

  • Use oleophobic film protection: Oleophobic film is a thin transparent sheet, which will not allow the water to stick on its surface. Using this film protection on the windscreen will avoid the glare due to water content on the windshield.

  • Use tint: The tint film is a cooling film that reduces the intensity of light entering the windshield. But, high contrast tint usage is a punishable offence in India, so use the right one.

  • Adjust the rearview mirrors: Not only the light from the front, but the light from the backside also can cause glare. This glare is usually through the rearview mirrors in the sides and the centre. So before starting the journey, adjust these mirrors at an angle that will not cause any problem.


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